**All it takes is just one person to start a trend...will that person be you?When you think of the community that you live and shop in, there are 3 very important things you need to consider.
1) What 3 independently owned businesses would you miss if they disappeared?
Is it us - Scrapbooks Too? What about your mom n' pop grocery store that you "just run into" occasionally for those last minute items? How about the cute little clothing boutique where you bought your favorite outfit? Or the cool little pet supply store on the corner where you got those awesome toys that your animals just adore?
2) Did you know if half the employed population spent $50 each month in locally owned independent businesses, it would generate more than $42.6 billion in revenue. Imagine the positive impact if 3/4 the employed population did that!
3) Are you aware that for every $100 spent in locally owned independent stores, $68 returns to the community through taxes, payroll, and other expenditures. If you spend that money in a national chain store, only $43 stays here. If you shop online, nothing comes home!
The 3/50 project idea is to commit $50 each month to locally owned businesses, total. Maybe that means rethinking where you currently invest your money, opting to pick up that birthday card or pair of jeans in a locally owned business instead of the big box you’ve been going to. Or maybe it means eating out just once a month because you realize slamming the brakes on all spending stalls economic recovery.
It’s just that simple.This Project isn’t an “all or nothing” campaign that insists consumers stop shopping in chains or franchises. Instead, the message is about balance-—of the money you currently spend each month. We simply ask you to redirect an affordable $50 back to the locally owned independent businesses that have been forgotten of late. Just as there are things in a locally owned store that you can’t find in a big box, there are also things in a big box you can’t find in a locally owned store. We simply need to think about where our dollars are best invested, consider the greater amount of revenue local businesses return to the community, then purchase accordingly. Otherwise, local economies suffer irreparable harm - as we have seen lately with lots of empty buildings and stories on the news.For more information, please copy & paste the following link into your web browser: